Why is it that in our minds it is often still “the male scientist” when we think about who actually does science? In the recently launched documentary PICTURE A SCIENTIST, geologist Jane Willenbring, chemist Raychelle Burks, and biologist Nancy Hopkins, as well as key social scientists take on these questions and lead the audience on a journey through the experiences of their academic careers – as women of science. Working to understand and reduce gender bias in the sciences, PICTURE A SCIENTIST brings diversity in science into sharp view at a critical time. The film challenges audiences of all backgrounds and genders to question their own implicit biases and move toward change.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021 at 7pm
KAMERA KINO HEIDELBERG, Brückenstraße 26, 69120 Heidelberg

Film tickets are free of charge for all interested students and employees of the Faculty for Physics and Astronomy. As tickets are limited, prior registration is required:

Following the screening of the film, we invite you to stay for a glass of champagne and a joint discussion/exchange about the film.
The film is going to be in English with German subtitles. We have to obey the current 3G-regulations.

Director/Producer: Sharon Shattuck & Ian Cheney; Producer: Manette Pottle
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/pictureascientist
Website: https://www.pictureascientist.com

The Boston Globe: “Quietly devastating.”
Science: “Sweeping in scope yet intimately compelling.” The Upcoming: “Sweeping in scope yet intimately compelling.”
WGBH: “The film documents a reckoning both within the field and in our own brains with its fascinating and frightening examination of bias.”