The dynamics of correlated systems is relevant in many fields ranging from cosmology to plasma physics. However, they are challenging to predict and understand even for classical systems due to the typically large numbers of particles involved. Here, we study the evolution of an ultracold, correlated many-body system with repulsive interactions and initial correlations set by the Rydberg blockade using the analytical framework of Kinetic Field Theory (KFT). The KFT formalism is based on the path-integral formulation for classical mechanics and was first developed and successfully used in cosmology to describe structure formation in Dark Matter. The theoretical framework offers a high flexibility regarding the initial configuration and interactions between particles and, in addition, is computationally cheap. More importantly, the analytic approach allows us to gain better insight into the processes which dominate the dynamics. In this work we show that KFT can be applied in a much more general context and study the evolution of a correlated ion plasma. We find good agreement between the analytical KFT results for the evolution of the correlation function and results obtained from numerical simulations. We use the correlation functions obtained with KFT to compute the temperature increase in the ionic system due to disorder-induced heating. For certain choices of parameters we observe that the effect can be reversed, leading to correlation cooling. Due to its numerical efficiency as compared to numerical simulations, a detailed study using KFT can help to constrain parameter spaces where disorder-induced heating is minimal in order to reach the regime of strong coupling.
E. Kozlikin, R. Lilow, M. Pauly, A. Schuckert, A. Salzinger, M. Bartelmann, M. Weidemüller, “Ultracold plasmas from strongly anti-correlated Rydberg gases in the Kinetic Field Theory formalism”, arXiv:2302.01807 (2023).
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