The main idea of the CRC 1225 Lunch Seminars is to bring together all scientists involved in our collaboration on a regular basis to allow exchange and discussion even outside one’s own research topics. We therefore invite all PIs and working group members of the CRC 1225 ISOQUANT to participate in the Lunch Seminars and to use this opportunity for getting to know each other, fruitful discussions and valuable exchange.

The seminar will take place in presence in accordance with the current COVID-19 regulations for on-site events (Please wear a FFP2 mask or surgical mask if the minimum distance of 1.5m can not be guaranteed).

Speaker: PD Dr. Martin Gärttner (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg)
Title of Talk: Many-body dynamics of disordered Rydberg spin systems

Abstract: Disordered quantum spin systems host many intriguing phenomena such as localization and glassiness. With cold atoms excited to Rydberg states we can experimentally realize a broad class of disordered spin models. The combination of experiments and numerical simulations of such models allows us to gain a better understanding of their dynamics after a quantum quench. I will give an overview of our work within project A05 on glassy relaxation and the breakdown of thermalization in Heisenberg spin models with power law interactions and positional disorder.

Slides of the talk


Venue (HYBRID-EVENT): Goldene Box, Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, 69120 Heidelberg AND  all talks will also be streamed via the permanent Zoom-link:
Meeting ID: 946 0240 1603
Passcode: 386993

13:00 – 13:45  talk
13:45-14:00   questions & discussion
14:00 pizza