The ISOQUANT Collaborative Research Center (CRC 1225) expects all scientists, guests, and partners to adhere to the following principles:
- Our mission is to investigate isolated quantum systems and universality in extreme conditions. The Collaborative Research Center ISOQUANT unifies researchers with a shared interest: quantum systems in extreme conditions. Over the past years, quantum systems in extreme conditions have become a unifying research theme, crossing traditional lines of specialization from high-energy and nuclear physics to atomic and condensed matter physics. ISOQUANT brings researchers from these different fields together to ask closely related questions for their very distinct physical platforms.
- We treat each other respectfully and do not tolerate discrimination based on the basis of ethnicity, gender, religion or worldview, disability or illness, age or sexual identity. All, especially those in leadership positions, have a responsibility to ensure that the following acts are not tolerated, but prevented: abuse of supervisor-subordinate relationships at the place of study or work, as well as sexual harassment, bullying and stalking. We believe science is a diverse endeavor: diversity provides new impulses, ideas, perspectives, and innovation.
- We conduct our research and support the research of others with integrity and according to the highest scientific standards. We are committed to scientific integrity and abiding by good scientific practice. We value scientific quality over quantity.
- We discuss problems and implement solutions openly and respectfully; we communicate the principles and processes that underlie our actions and decisions. We are committed to providing a work environment where all employees feel valued and know they can address problems openly without fear of reprisal. When issues arise, we discuss them openly and respectfully to find a solution amenable to all parties.
- We recognize the achievements of others, give credit where it is due and offer constructive feedback when necessary. Science and innovation depend on an open and constructive discourse in which new ideas can be freely exchanged and old wisdoms challenged. Thus, we discuss our research openly and criticize constructively. We give credit to those who help us with their ideas and criticism. We recognize that the people who support our scientists, the administration and the workshops are integral to the success of ISOQUANT. We take pride in the achievements of everyone contributing to the mission of ISOQUANT.
- We support each other in achieving our goals by nurturing trust and cooperation and respecting individual capabilities and needs. We are aware that research is often highly competitive, and people can feel under pressure to produce results. Because of these circumstances, we are committed to being mindful of personal boundaries and contributing to a nurturing work environment based on trust and mutual respect.
- We honor our responsibilities towards our colleagues, employees, the public, and the environment in a supportive and sustainable manner. We are committed to supporting each other scientifically, in matters of leadership and mentoring, as well as career development. We are aware that our research is predominantly funded by the taxpayer and respect the boundary conditions of public funding. We pledge to conduct our research in an environmentally sustainable fashion whenever possible.
- We communicate openly and transparently with each other and with the public. Scientific discoveries must be shared for them to be valued by the public. Since we are predominantly funded by the public, we see it as our obligation to inform the public openly and transparently about our research. We use many channels for our public outreach: newspapers, websites, social media, public lectures and educational programs.
For the definitions and examples of sexual harassment, bullying, stalking and discrimination see University Guidelines on fair conduct:
DEI-TEAM contacts:
UNIFY – Unit for Family, Diversity & Equality
Hauptstraße 126
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: + 49 6221 54-7697
Confidential contact persons in case of discrimination, harassment, bullying and stalking:
Charlotte von Knobelsdorff
Confidential contact for LGBTQIA+ persons:
Philipp-Thomas Wehage
In case of case of discrimination, harassment, bullying and stalking contact DEI-TEAM:
Silvia Masciocchi
Selim Jochim
Tina Kuka:
Aleksas Mazeliauskas:
Victoria Noel