The Young Researchers Convent (YRC) gives early-career researchers unique opportunities to involve themselves in the organizational, managing and decision-making processes of the CRC 1225:
- the YRC comprises all bachelor, master and PhD students as well as young postdoctoral researchers involved in the research work done within the CRC projects
- the YRC elect their own representatives to be a full member of the CRC steering board
- the YRC has its own budget allocated from the central guest and travel budget to allow invitation of international leading experts for special talks and lectures addressing especially young researchers
- the YRC has its own budget allocated from the central workshop funds to organize special focus workshops and the annual YRC-Retreat
Activities of the YRC
Click here for more information on upcoming events and activities of the YRC.
- regular YRC-Colloquia and social activities for networking and exchange
- monthly CRC 1225 Lunch Seminars
- self-organized annual YRC-Retreat at Tagungshaus Schönenberg, Ellwangen 2-5/.10.2022
- involvement of YRC-Representatives in scientific organization committee at the International Conference “QSEC2022”: organization of poster slam & poster session with own jury awarding poster prizes
Current YRC-Representatives
Brian Bostwick
YRC retreat 2022
The retreat takes place from October 2 to 5, 2022 at the Tagungshaus Schoenenberg html.
The main goal of this event is to provide a platform for cross-project collaboration and an opportunity to intensify exchange and networking between young researchers (undergraduates, PhD students, PostDocs) within IsoQuant.
The following invited speakers joined the retreat:
- Dr. Kirill Boguslavski (TU Vienna), Workshop on thermalization in high-energy physics
- Dr. Sebastian Erne (TU Vienna), Workshop on cold atoms
- Dr. Torsten Zache (University of Innsbruck & IQOQI Austrian Academy of Sciences), Workshop on quantum information/simulations
Past YRC-Representatives
Bruno Faigle-Cedzich (2020-2022)
Eleonora Lippi (2020-2022)
Robert Ott (2020-2022)
Maximilian Prüfer (2018-2020)
Torsten Zache (2018-2020)