
An important tool in studying the sub-femtoscale spacetime structure of matter in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) intensity interferometry of identical particles in the final state of such collisions. We show here that a variant of an entanglement enabled intensity interferometry (E2I2) proposed by Cotler and Wilczek provides a powerful alternative to HBT interferometry in extracting fundamental nonperturbative features of QCD at high energies. In particular, we show that the spatial distributions of color singlet (pomeron) configurations in nuclei can be obtained from exclusive resonant decays of ρ-mesons into π±-pairs in ultrarelativistic ultraperipheral nuclear collisions (UPCs) at RHIC and the LHC. The E2I2 framework developed here is quite general. It can be employed to extract information on the spin structure of pomeron couplings as well as enhance the discovery potential for rare odderon configurations from exclusive vector meson decays into few-particle final states both in UPCs and at the Electron-Ion Collider.

J. D. Brandenburg, H. Duan, Z. Tu, R. Venugopalan, Z. Xu, „Entanglement Enabled Intensity
Interferometry in ultrarelativistic ultraperipheral nuclear collisions“, 22. Juli 2024, arXiv:2407.15945 (2024).


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