We extend the QCD Parton Model analysis using a factorized nuclear structure model incorporating individual nucleons and pairs of correlated nucleons. Our analysis of high-energy data from lepton deep-inelastic scattering, Drell-Yan, and đ and đ boson production simultaneously extracts the universal effective distribution of quarks and gluons inside correlated nucleon pairs, and their nucleus-specific fractions. Such successful extraction of these universal distributions marks a significant advance in our understanding of nuclear structure properties connecting nucleon- and parton-level quantities.
A. W. Denniston, T. Jezo, A. Kusina, N. Derakhshanian, P. Duwentaster, O. Hen, C. Keppel, M.
Klasen, K. Kovarik, J.G. Morfin, K.F. Muzakka, F.I. Olness, E. Piasetzky, P. Risse, R. Ruiz,
I. Schienbein, J.Y. Yu, âModification of Quark-Gluon Distributions in Nuclei by Correlated
Nucleon Pairsâ, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 152502 (2024).
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